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January 19th, 2008
Single Title, here I come!

I got some really great news last week. I was offered a 3 book contract from Berkley Publishing! Wow! Needless to say, I am over the moon. I’ve loved writing for Silhouette, and have nearly 20 books with them by now… but it’s time to spread my wings and try something bigger. Thanks to all my friends and fans who have urged me to take this step :D. Sometimes it’s easier to stay where it’s comfortable than to try new and scary things…and I’m the first to admit it’s taken me far too long to work up the courage to send out those single title proposals. On the other hand…the uber-positive response I got from publishers was wonderful validation that I am ready, and that my writing is hitting the right notes with the readers. Yay!!!

So here’s to a fun and rewarding future with Berkley! I hope all of you will mark your calendars for August 2009, which is when my first book, titled SHOOT TO THRILL, will be out with them.

At Berkley I’ll be joining my great friends CJ Lyons, Jasmine Haynes, Virginia Kantra, Terri Brisbin, Cherie Feather, Robin Owens, and Angela Knight, to name just a few. Talk about great company!!!

Lifelines by CJ Lyons Art of Desire by Cherie Feather

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4 comments to “Single Title, here I come!”

  1. Woohoo, Nina!!! Congrats!! So happy to be your “house-mate”….enjoy your celebration!

  2. Nina,
    Big hugs and congrats from me, too! I’m thrilled for you and excited that we’re Berkley buddies now! Can’t wait for our Silhouette Summer Seduction series, too! You know how much I loved working with you!

  3. :grin:

    Very happy for you and wish you well and I guess we will have to wait for 2009 for your book to come out but since you are an auto buy for me, it will be worth the wait.

  4. Save any book with your name on it. I am re-reading one now “Sweet Revenge”. Good luck at Berkley! Will pick them up as soon as they hit the shelves. Faster if I could. Always read when I am giving mid-term and final exams.

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